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Age:16 / Birthday: 28 June 1993 / Temasek Polytechnic! / Punggol Secondary School / 4A / Changkat Primary School / 6E / Horoscope: Cancer




Cheng Kiat
Kar Wong


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Monday, September 14, 2009,8:59 AM

Top 10 laziest ways to fight Global Warming

Hey people, here are the top 10 laziest ways to fight global warming... Seems lazy but it actually helps in a way. haha!

10. Buy in bulk.
Items are much cheaper when purchased in bulk and it is a nice way of doing the environment a favor.
- Funny as it seems, it really happens out there! Buying in bulk reduces materials used for packaging and saves our environment again. have you seen the NTUC toilet rolls??? they sell them in 3 packs and each of them contains 12 rolls? Plus you wont have to worry about having problems in the toilet because hey, you purchased lots!

9. Consume less meat.
Red meat poses certain health problems and whats adding on, more energy is required in producing and transporting meat.
- As you know, meat comes from cows and where do our beloved cows come from? It comes from our dear forests which are cleared for gazing and keeping livestock. Less trees>More carbon dioxide>More greenhouse gases. Instead, try taking up more fruits and vegetables. They provide vitamins and take up lesser energy than meat. Besides they are also healthier!

8. Open your windows!
Interesting enough, circulated air helps to regulate the temperature in the room.
- Refrain from using the air-conditioner, it's cost loads of money and energy is wasted as well. Try using the more Eco-friendly way, it just as cooling during some nights if you're lucky enough. If that isn't enough then turn on the fan. It'll surprise you but i found out that if you are having difficulty in sleeping, the whirring sound helps you to sleep.

7. Plant a tree.
Great things come from just a single plant.
-Well, you do not necessarily have to plant a TREE but a plant will do just fine. We all know that green plants take in those nasty carbon dioxide gases and produce oxygen, something we need to live right? They also help to cool the room down and again, you would not have to turn on the air-conditioner but remember to place the plant under direct sunlight or it won't really work. Thus, reducing our costs on energy. So what are you waiting for??? Go and plant a tree!

6. Smaller cars please.
A single tune-up could boost your miles per gallon up to 40%
-We've heard loads of people over the fact that we need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions due to an overload of car usage over the world. If you really need the car then get a smaller car and if you can't then keep your car tuned up with it's tires fairly inflated. in addition, you save fuel if you use smaller cars and produce lesser carbon dioxide emissions. If you're rich then get yourself an Eco-friendly car, it'll cost you but it helps our planet.

5. Avoid the plastics.
Know that every year around 24,000 tonnes of polystyrene (which is non-biodegradable) end up in a landfill.
Non-biodegradable > Waste that cannot be broken down by other living organisms
-Disposing countless plastic cups take more time than washing glasses or mugs. Since they cannot be decomposed and broken down to simpler forms, they end up at landfills. Too much accumulation of plastics results in them getting incinerated and produces harmful gases into the atmosphere. No more plastics!!! haha

4. Print back-to-back.
Each year, an estimated 150 trees are wasted by overprinting documents. Isn’t it sad to know that some trees sacrificed their lives for rubbish?
-I'm sure we've all seen Mr Cheong and Mr Ong print countless of stacks of practice papers and guides for us right? haha. Luckily they print double side for it, if not it would really be a waste. Nevertheless, we should try to follow them too, perhaps make concise notes and recycle those 1-sided pages by using them as rough paper? You’ll also get to see the paper do a cartwheel in your printer as it prints the other side. Paper acrobatics, huh? HAHA!

3. Walk!
If people made it a habit to leave their cars at home for at least two days a week, we would have been reducing our carbon dioxide emissions by at least 1,600 pounds a year.
-In the UK, there are about 10 million empty car seats each day.
imagine if those vacant car seats were taken off the streets? There would be less petrol and lesser pollution! And try your best to not take the taxi's too. Instead take public transit, bike or walk if you’re not chasing time.

2. Teleport!
-Or at least telecommute? haha
If you have a friend that lives far away from you and you probably meet him frequently, use the public transport as a means os transportation. Remember taxi's last, trains and buses and even your feet comes first! If your workplace is far off from your home and you have to use the car to get there, remember smaller cars!!!

1. Spread the word.
No matter how lazy you might be, it surely wouldn’t hurt to convince the people around you to care for the world they live in.
-Now, let's spread what we know to the WORLD. tell your friends, colleagues or even share it during Geography class. Words can do wonders. Sometimes, all we need to do is spread the word and everything else will follow. Fighting global warming has to be a collective action so let's help Mother Nature!

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